In Radio, Outlook for Cloud Is Unclear

 In information technology-speak, the word cloud has long represented a part of system architecture that’s taken care of by someone else.
On IT charts, the Internet has been referred to as the cloud, because you connect to it, send information into it and someone else takes care what happens on the Internet itself. (Prior to the Internet, the telephone system was depicted as a cloud on IT charts.)
The term cloud that’s been generating buzz more recently is a system in which a company’s data and/or applications are stored remotely, in an operation owned, operated and maintained by someone else. The concept often is compared to a company’s relationship with the power company. You don’t have to own and maintain your own power generation wherewithal; you are hooked up to the utility, get your electricity and pay for what you use.An alphabet soup of acronyms is associated with cloud computing, and those have been discussed in part articles here. But in a broad sense there are two services provided by cloud computing vendors: storage of data (like email and business records) in the cloud, and access to application software (like Word or Excel) from the cloud 
