MootPOINT Episode 7


Heres an archived moment that I nearly forgot about. While Pat was off gettin' hitched I pulled together a small panel of my closest friends and allies in the radio field to have an open discussion about relevance of new media in the broadcast medium.

Ryan Welsh, Jon Nungesser and Nicholas Gunner (all of SUNY Fredonia *WCVF/WDVL) hop on board to better flesh out Ryan's personal project concept about how he hypothesizes radio will start to change direction in coming months and years. As always we look and theorize about how social/new media will become a MVP and a special focus regarding some interesting ways to better use the HD standard.

Some questions on the table: is specialization helping or hurting (music) radio?
and which angle has a stronger influence: intimacy and the human element vs. sheer audience preference in listening?

--We call this the 'solution' to our on-demand society.

So feel free to tune in; we hope you enjoy... and look forward to however much you want to feed back!

All the best!